Monday, July 21, 2008


so. this is what it has come to. goddamnit. i've tried to stay the hell away from this blogger (frogger anyone?) site for a good long time. something about how cliche this shit is. like dear diary. something kind of sick about this. but alas, finally i've been dragged into this. just like the flop that was myspace, the success that was facebook, and the rip-off that is twitter. and now there is blogger. berries and cream.

i suppose i should give credit to my dear and sincere friend jody hinkley for getting me interested in this whole thang. jody just (alliteration, folks) just started his own blog. and after reading his somewhat sad/scary posts, i figured, "hell, i've got nothing to lose."

i will warn you though. i have a legit habit of starting something like this and after two posts or so, i lose complete interest. just like all those diaries or journals (the more manly version of 'diary'?) i got as a kid cause my mom thought it would be good to express myself without anger (yeah, that's right, ladies. i was a fiery young lad. punched a hole through my wall. knuckles of steal.) who knows though. this could work. this could be the turn in my rapidly falling graph. i doubt it. but 'ya never know'.

so i've drowned on long enough. i've just made the executive decision four seconds ago that i'll leave each post with a random question. tonight, because i'm feeling lucky, i'll leave two:

  1. Heinz or Hunts?
  2. .............Bailey?!?

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