Monday, July 21, 2008

Brace Yourselves...

ladies and gents...this is going to be a rambler. i guess i'm writing this more for my sake than yours (if there even is a 'your').

have you ever disliked certain things about you so much so that you could scream like a fatboy who just dropped his box of fresh glazed dunkin' donuts? (i tried to hard for that one, didn't i?) of course you have. you're human. we all are.

well like right now. i personally think its healthy for a person to not like certain aspects about himself. it keeps him striving for more and to self improve constantly. (by the way, ladies. i use him/his because it saves time, not because i dont believe both genders are equal. ya got me?) so yay, for self-improvment. its essential.

right now, i hate the fact that whenever something is going right for me, i look for mistakes. like i'm scared of something working out. or the fact that i know it won't so i try to save myself from getting hurt...? who the hell knows. alls i know is that i'm beginning to notice it more and more. really. when things finally begin to settle down to a pattern and a decent one at that, i subconsciously look for things to stir it up. to keep me on my toes?

i guess the first step is always admitting to yourself your faults. next is having a drink. then, you fix them.

random question:
  1. if you had to name one fault about yourself and attempt to fix it, what would it be and how the hell would you do it?

1 comment:

Peryn said...

Responding to the question.

Nose. Plastic Surgery.