Monday, July 21, 2008

Biting the Big One

so i've decided that i will create a list of shit i want to do before i bite the big one (and i'm not just talking about eli timm, if you know what i mean.). and dont expect to see any cliche stuff about broadway or anything. i'm talking the dirty.

  1. paint my entire body neon carrot and go streak the streets of metairie
  2. skinny dip in chocolate
  3. have dinner with rene crais (love that guy)
  4. seduce jody hinkley
  5. talk the dirty with my grandmother
  6. curse off my mother (as she loves to do to me)
  7. wear a fanny pack while wearing a leopard visor (brenda castillo anyone?)

that's all for now. but there will be more. as always.

random question:

  1. is the hokey pokey really what its all about?

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