well, folks. i've kinda been on a break from the whole blogging thing since life's been getting purty busy with summer wrapping up and all. but i just sat through the three hour production of "oklahoma", so, frankly, i feel i can do anything. (or absolutely nothing...oy)
today's post is on being grateful. or simply, enjoying where you are in life despite the fact you may lose it all. there's nothing much more to it. people are always jabbering on about how "you never know what you have until you've lost it". now, i partially can believe this quote. sure, when you lose something, you feel the pain of losing it even stronger. A yellow-spotted hippo has no idea how great his spots are, until they are shaved off. (am i trying too hard? yeah.)
yeah. i am.
i guess i'll continue this later.
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
13 years ago